Dear Parents,
Thank you to all who came to watch the show, it was a huge success!!! all the children were a real credit to the school so… ‘Well Done’ to all who took part!!
There will be portrait photos up at class this week and hopefully full stage photos on sale after half term. DVDs will also be available so please fill out the appropriate forms. We only have a limited number of T’shirts so please order one as soon as possible. We would also like to have a Mufti Week after half term for the Charity that we are supporting ‘Woodlark Centre’ in Farnham, and as we have just performed ‘Alice’ we thought we could theme the Mufti week as that too; if not spots and stripes. Please check out the Farnham Herald as there should be a write up about the show too. All forms and notices can be downloaded from our website
Have a great and well deserved half term and thank you again to all the parents that help make ‘Alice’ a huge success!!!
Aurelia Whitfield and Emma Wise