Cecchetti Ballet Associates Auditions 22/23
Audition Dates for entry in 2022/23
The audition for the Main Scheme will be held on 3rd JULY 2022
Auditions for Young Associates Scheme will be held in 4th DECEMBER 2022
INFORMATION AND DATES For the Main Scheme Only:
Classes will be held three times a term on a Sunday as per the dates advertised below at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, Clifton Lodge, St Margaret’s Drive Twickenham TW1 1QN.
Contact Details
Email: committee@cecchettiassociatescentral.org Tel: 07748 365 375 FB Cecchetti Associates Central
Entry Requirements:
Boys and Girls aged 7 years and under 18 by the 1st of September in the year of the audition may apply for a place.
- JUNIOR ASSOCIATES: a good pass at Grade 1/2/3/4 or Standard 2/3/4 in classical ballet.
- SENIOR ASSOCIATES: a good pass at Grade 5/6 or Standard 5/6/7 in classical ballet.
- GRADUATES: students working at Vocational level.
Duration of Classes:
From 1 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 hours depending on age.
Classes will consist of a classical ballet class followed by classes in either Character, Choreography, Classical Greek, Irish, Mime, Modern, National, Repertoire, Spanish, Jazz, or other dance forms.
Further Opportunities within the Cecchetti Method:
Students will be encouraged to participate in or attend the Children’s Awards and Mabel Ryan Awards, the Choreographic Competition, Choreographic workshops, and events arranged at The Cecchetti Centre, as well as attend the Summer School for Young Dancers.
Associates will be assessed and auditioned at the end of every year, and at the age of 11 will be encouraged to audition for The Cecchetti Society Scholar’s Classes if they have gained a good pass in Grade 4 classical ballet (Cecchetti Method).
Dates for the academic year 2022/2023 are as follows:
25th September 30th October 4th December
22nd January 26th February 26th March
30th April 21st May 25th June
Audition Date for 2023/2024: Sunday 3rd July 2023
Criteria for Main Scheme
- Regular attendance and punctuality are expected and will be considered when assessment of current Associates takes place. Persistent absenteeism will result in the Associate place being withdrawn.In the event of illness or to request permission for absence parents are asked to contact us on either the Associate Mobile number: 07748 365 375 or email:committee@cecchettiassociatescentral.org prior to the class, giving the name of the Associate and class if possible.
Before applying for the audition, please take note of the dates to be sure that they do not clash with other activities.
- Female Associates will be required to wear the regulation leotards with matching belt if supplied, pink tights that convert to footless tights and pink leather shoes with elastics and not ribbons for all classes.Character skirts and black canvas character shoes will be needed during the year and should be brought to every class. N.B. These are readily available on eBay. Skirts must be black; any combination of ribbon colours is acceptable.
Neither jewellery, hair ornaments nor nail varnish are to be worn. Bun nets should match the colour of the hair.
All Associate leotards and Senior/Graduate skirts are obtainable only from the Associates. All other items of uniform can be obtained from your local dance shop. Please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s name.
- Male Associates will wear black tights and regulation white leotards with white shoes and long white socks. They will also need canvas character shoes.
- Any change of teacher, address, or new exam result to be emailed to: committee@cecchettiassociatescentral.org
- We regret that candidates will only be considered by attendance on the audition day.
- Fees for the year, payable by the 21st of July are as follows:
Young Associates – £240.00
Junior Boys – £240.00
Junior Associates – classes 1 2 3 4 & Pre-Senior – £240.00
Senior Associates – classes 1 & 2 – £260.00
Senior Associates – classes 3 Pre-Grad & Grad – £265.00
Senior Boys – £265.00