Easter Senior Contemporary Creative Dance Workshop 2017

26th February 2017

Dear Parents,

Due to the request for more senior workshops we would like to run a Contemporary / Creative Workshop, which will take place in the Easter holidays at the Farnham Maltings on Wednesday 12th April 2017 at 1.30-3.30pm.

The Workshop will be divided into a Contemporary technique warm up and stretch followed by movements across the room and a short Contemporary piece. We will then have a short break followed by Creative and Choreography work.

The Workshop will be taken by a very exciting guest teacher Yasim Coronado Veranes, a Cuban Contemporary dancer. He has been travelling the world for the last 5 years with ‘Ballet Revolution’ a Cuban ballet and contemporary company and is he is now here sharing his experience and style. He will be mixing contemporary and ballet techniques from his Afro Cuban background.

Refreshments will be provided but please bring practice clothes or Dance wear to dance in. We hope this will be a popular event, places will be limited and will be given on a first come first served basis on receipt of the form below. It is also opened to children who do not attend Demeric School of Dance. The cost of the Workshop will be £20.00

The deadline for returning this form is Monday 20th March 2017



Cash/Cheque/ enclosed: _________________________BACS: 08-92-50 / 68542665              

Child’s Name: ___________________________________________

Age: ____________________        Grade:___________________________


Any Medical Details: ____________________________________________________

Parent’s signature: ____________________________         Date:_______________________